Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Felted Wool Penny Rugs For Sale

I've been busy using up some reclaimed wool I felted so I've been stitching Penny Rugs and adding cute little Yo Yo's to them.  I've got a thing for Yo Yo's lately, I'll admit :)  They are just so darn cute.

Both Penny Rugs and Yo yo's were our foremother's way of using up bits and scraps of fabric.  They recycled (before it was cool) because they had to.  They couldn't run out to Hobby Lobby or Wally World and get cheap fabric (or anything else, lol)  New yard goods went to clothing for the family so when the youngest little "Johnny or Jane" grew out of the passed down clothing, it was reused to household goods....the smallest of these scraps would be used for decorative items.  The term Penny Rug comes from the fact that these resourceful women would use a coin (a penny) for a pattern.  These "rugs" were not used on the floor but as wall hangings, bed coverlets and such.

I love the old ways and learning all about how our ancestors did things, don't you?

I'm offering these candle mats for sale.

The Total Width is 10.5"....the brown wool penny is 7.5" and it is surrounded by 18  Yo Yo's. 

$12.50 plus shipping


Monday, March 26, 2012

A Morning Walk

I went outside this morning and decided to snap a few pics.... Hope you enjoy them as much as I did :)

I'm not sure what this bush is but if you know, please email me!  It's so gorgeous and the color is just so vibrant... it's already lost quite a few of it's blossoms but at it's peak, it's just covered in these little beauties!

So delicate....reminds me of Grandma Viola...

The wind has beat these up a bit but the orange sherbet color is lovely...

These are blossoms off of our pear tree.

And these are annuals that I overwintered inside last year... not too bad!

Enjoying Spring....

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Window Seat with Built in Storage

Greetings All!
It's a LOVELY spring here in North Missouri and things are getting busy!  James and I spent much of last weekend in the garden and it was bliss :)  I LOVE spring... During the week, he started another inside project due to the RAIN which flooded our roads but that's okay...we got lots done around here...

When we first bought this home, the landing upstairs was dark due to the previous owners siding over a door which at one time, went out to a sleeping porch.  I could just envision the lovely morning light coming in through the glass panes in that now defunct door... sigh...a perfect spot to read the Bible for morning devotions or snuggle up with Sophie and browse through the latest catalog...anyhoo... we were blessed with some windows that a friend gave us and so my little brain got it's creative juices flowing.... and I asked dear hubby..."Can you do it?"   "For you, my darling..." eh...well, no... it didn't quite go like that BUT he was VERY gracious and got started.... I was stressing a little just before I came up with the idea of a window seat with storage of where on earth to put the winter quilts and such now that I've been spring cleaning and changing out bedding, etc....  This is SO perfect!!!

So here's the BEFORE green carpet and all:

And here's a "During":
My sweet Hubby James with one coat of paint on....

 And here's AFTER:  
This window faces east so the morning sunrise is BEAUTIFUL!!!

 He used all reclaimed lumber and even used the old hinges off the original door... he is so cool!

I plan on making a nice cushion and different pillows for it but here it is for now :)  What do you think?  Am I not the most blessed of women?    

Eventually we want to either do beaded board or board and batten about 2/3's of the way up the entire wall as you come up the stairs and in this hallway but that is later...when funds allow.  For now, I'm so happy with what he created :)  

Come join me over at DIYbyDesign and see all the other wonderfully creative stuff going on!

There's also a Bunny Blog Hop going on April 2nd that you won't want to miss!

Until next time....